Tuesday, May 6, 2008




This article is about how humans have evolved so well. It says that animals have evolved some and that some are good learners but it says it could be bad for the animals if they were to smart. It says that even some micro-organisms are smart and they can learn somewhat. This article is also saying that you can evolve without the nervous system but it is difficult. Some scienctist actually take flies and make them so that they can learn better and easier. This takes up to 15 generations to do though because it is such a difficult process. The doctors say though that the flies live a 15% shorter life than the regular ones.

I dont really like the article that much. It was very confusing and i didnt understand much of it. I thought that it was about how animals arent as smart as humans and explaining why. This does not make me feel any smarter because i have known that animals are dumb my whole life. In school, i preform ok and it does not make me feel any better until i would be able to compare myself in school with them.

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