Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This article was telling about how there is going to be a Dicken's Theme Park. They say that they are hoping to bring in over 400,000 tourist a year. In the park, there is going to be a Magwitch inspired boat ride that takes you around and tries to recreate the boat ride. This theme park is going to be in Kent. They say that this park is going to be awesome and decked out to the most realistic things possible. I think that this theme park is a good idea because it might help people to understand Dickens more and understand what he was trying to say in his books. I also like the idea of that boat ride because it will put this scene in a different perspective for some people.

I think that this theme park would be interesting. I like the kind of parks that are more thrilling. This theme park is one that shows you stuff. I would like to go on that boat ride thing because i want to see how that is. Some of the other attractions are interesting. I think that this park would be a good way to get a better feel for the book and the movie.

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