Thursday, February 21, 2008

In the article about surnames, it is saying that there has been a huge increase in hispanics coming into America and that there names have been moving from the 20s and 30s to the top 10. This hasn't suprised the demographers. Demographers are the man and women who do these searches and polls. It is also saying that there is a increase in postion for the name lee because that is a very common name in Asia and China and they have also been migrating over to the United States. I am not very suprised about this poll and how the hispanic and Asian names have increase over the past few years due to imigration. I don't think that this is a bad thing but i don't like how imigrants names are being put at the top of the list. This is saying to me that there are to many imigrants coming into the US and that we need to do something about it.

When i researched my last name in the data base i did get it in there. Britt, my last name, was ranked at 1,059, which is a lot lower than i thought it would have been at. Since 1990, Britt has gone down 181 places. I had know clue about any of these things for my name. I was very suprised to find that my last name was so low in the standings because i have heard my last name a lot. I am not that suprised that it has gone down a lot because there have been a lot more different names to come to the united states.

My family is from a lot of different countries but i don't know them. My mom's maiden name is Sharon. I do know that i have a relative that is 110 going on 111. I don't know a lot of history about my family, and i do think that i did have a great grandfather that fought in the World War II. There isn't really much to say about my family. We had some people that fought in wars and some really old relatives but that is it......

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